Math + Literature: A Perfect Pairing (K-2)

Led by Sue O'Connell
Do your students think about math as just numbers and procedures? When we explore math through a context, students connect numbers and procedures to real situations and recognize mathematics in the world around them. In this session, you will explore fun and meaningful ways to bring context to your math teaching through children’s books that are just right for students in grades K-2. You will discover a wealth of children’s literature that set a perfect context for exploring mathematics and examine ideas for connecting literature to the math skills and concepts you are teaching.

If you would like to purchase Sue O'Connell's book, Math by the Book, please use the link below.  The Math by the Book Series (

Event Information

Event Date 03-01-2024 8:30 am
Event End Date 03-01-2024 11:30 am
Individual Price $100 in-area fee/$150 out-of-area fee
Location North Georgia RESA

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